Authentic and influential leadership


Certificate of Attendance


After the training, you will be able to:

You will develop your potential as an authentic and impactful leader;

You will motivate and influence your teams to achieve even more difficult and important goals with ease and a smile;

You will make your wildest dreams come true with the help of your people, inspired and ready to conquer new heights;

You will see difficulties as opportunities, not crises, and you will know how to take advantage of them.
Course description
In this course, we will focus on the only strong and real motivation for long-term development and achievement, namely authentic and impactful leadership.
People are not motivated by threats, punishments or managerial approaches for long. The role of the manager is not the role of a leader, but he can also develop these skills if he wants to and works actively. In today’s scary, unpredictable and turbulent days, people need a role model to follow more than ever. You can be this role model if you develop your leadership skills and live according to the most important values for you – authentically.
Authentic and impactful leadership is exactly that much-needed role model. The person who enters the difficulties together with his team and shows the new direction, creates a new reality and a new way forward. A leader is strong in spirit, authentic, and that’s what makes him impactful. The leader is unique, different and confident. He connects the dots faster than others and draws paths where there are none.
A leader is the person who can make or break businesses with their vision, presence and impact. A leader’s charisma is a small part of his impact, the majority comes from actions based on his authentic values and inspiring vision.
Examples of companies that have achieved enormous global success thanks to authentic and impactful leadership are numerous – Apple, Tesla, Virgin and many others. Nowadays, everyone knows that leadership is not a luxury, but a necessity for a fulfilling, successful and inspired life.
If you also want to create or be part of the businesses that change the world, this course is for you.
What is authentic and impactful leadership
Authentic and impactful leadership is the feeling of being yourself in a world where everyone wants to be someone else—prettier, richer, smarter. The ability to inspire your teams, to create a business culture that creates the feeling and security of a healthy and strong family that strives for a common goal.
Authentic and impactful leaders are the people who chart new paths where others see no way out. These are the people who unite, develop and create new worlds with their ideas, with their vision and the ability to inspire others to be themselves.
Method of conducting
One-day live or virtual course;
The course is interactive and practical.

Anelia Mancheva
Senior consultant and instructor of Lean Institute Bulgaria
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Who is the course suitable for?
For managers who want to develop their leadership skills and deal with the problem of missing quality personnel and their effective motivation;
For owners who want to transform their managers into inspirational and authentic leaders with high impact;
For HR professionals who want to support the strategic development of quality personnel in their company and create leaders of successful teams;
For employees who want to be authentic and impactful and develop their full potential.
Why enroll in the course?
To become an authentic and impactful leader first to yourself and then to your teams, employees and friends;
To start changing the world and make your wildest dreams come true;
You will have the opportunity to learn from proven specialists with many years of experience and leadership skills;
You will work interactively in teams and have the opportunity to practice some of the tools in the course.
Request participation
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