Our network Lean Global Network™
Lean Institute Bulgaria is part of the Lean Global Network™ (LGN)
established by the people who first explained to the world what lean is all about – James P. Womack and Daniel Jones. Our LGN membership added value: educational articles and videos, online education, books, partnership, consultations.
Icelandic Lean institute
Lean Academy Lithuania
LGN Southeast Asia
LGN is a community of lean thought leaders and practitioners with the goal of making things better by advancing lean thinking and practice throughout the world. Founded by Jim Womack and Dan Jones in 2007, LGN supports the members in three fundamental ways:
Share knowledge on lean thinking and practice to develop skills within the community;
Collaborate on joint company projects and events;
Develop new educational materials such as publications and training;
More about us and Lean Global Network™
Lean Institute Bulgaria started back in 2014 as a small lean community and grew to over 500 people who follow our posts, comments, articles and events. So far we have organized more than 20 lean events in Sofia and Plovdiv. Our most recent success is becoming part of the Lean Global Network™ (LGN) established by the people who first explained to the world what lean is all about – James Womack and Daniel Jones.
In 2017 the organization joined the Lean Global Network and is now part of one of the largest teams of lean experts across the world. The roots of the knowledge we are tapping on daily can be traced back to J. Womack and D. Jones who were the first researchers to pin the word “Lean” by describing Toyota Production System back in the 1980s. Today both gentleman, along with John Shook – the third globally recognized lean guru, provide support for the Lean Institutes on their lean expansion mission under the motto “Make things better, through lean thinking and practice”.