

Certificate of Attendance


After the training, you will be able to:

You will be able to drastically reduce the time necessary for completing a work task or producing a product;

You will be able to organize your productive activities in such a way that most changeover tasks are carried out without the need to halt production;

Like the Formula 1 pit-stop teams, you will have the ability to build a perfectly-coordinated process;

You will enable your processes to achieve excellent results in a phenomenally short timeframe.
Course description
SMED, acronym for “Single Minute Exchange of Dies” is a tool developed by Toyota with the aim of reducing the automobile body moldings inventory. The company comes up with a solution that manages to reduce the 4-hour changeover process down to 3 minutes.
The main idea behind SMED is that some changeover processes can be carried out while production is ongoing (external elements for the process), while others can be done only when production is halted (internal elements for the process). In order to reduce the changeover time, SMED aims to convert as many internal elements into external ones, thereby rationalizing and improving each process step.
SMED is often explained with the simple example of a Formula 1 team that does a tire change at a pit stop during a race. For most of us, changing a tire can take 15 to 20 minutes (if not even more), while the pit crew can change all 4 tires for just a few seconds. They can achieve this by doing as many tasks as possible before the car comes in the pit and they coordinate, so that they are able to do multiple tasks simultaneously.
Furthermore, pit crews use a standardized process that guarantees they can achieve a similar result for each pit stop. Then they keep optimizing those standards to improve future results even further.
Simply put, SMED is a system that aims to reduce changeover time. The main goal is to allow more frequent changeovers that lead to flexibility in the production process.
Although those techniques were born in a manufacturing setting and still use manufacturing-specific terminology, this methodology can be adapted to be used for process improvement in many business areas – from food services and healthcare to the financial sector and software companies.
Method of conducting
The course is virtual, lasting 1 day;
The course is interactive – participants can ask questions at any time and discuss the material;
Students have the opportunity to work on assignments after each session and receive feedback from the trainer.

Bogdan Kostov
Senior consultant and instructor of Lean Institute Bulgaria
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By request
Who is the course suitable for?
For everyone who thinks they can speed up their production process;
For all who want to improve process flexibility;
For everyone who strives to achieve maximum equipment utilization;
For everyone who wants to improve the quality of their product or service.
Why enroll in the course?
You will have the opportunity to reduce the size of your production batches;
You will be able to reduce the time your customers wait for their product or service;
You will learn how to equalize workload and utilize equipment optimally;
You will be able to ensure a smooth production flow and fewer defects;
You will be able to ensure a smooth production flow and fewer defects;
You will work interactively and will be able to practice some of the tools shown.
Request participation
Send request and we will contact you for confirmation