Value Stream Mapping


Certificate of Attendance

390 BGN
/ VAT excluded /

After the training, you will be able to:

You will learn what value stream mapping is;

You will be able to identify value from the Customer’s perspective, and become fluent in the usage of terms such as “Pull”, “value streams”, “Kanban”;

You will be able to identify and describe the value streams in your own organization and map the current and future states;

You will be able to identify delays and problems with the value streams in your company and propose solutions;

You will be able to work with key metrics such as cycle time and takt time.
Course description
Value stream mapping is one of the key tools in the Lean toolkit, deriving its origins from the Toyota Production System. It is an essential management tool for analyzing the current state of an organization’s processes that focuses on the flow of both materials and information within the company. A value stream map is a visual tool that shows all critical steps in a particular process and easily quantifies time and volume as well as delays between process steps.
The purpose of value stream mapping is to define value from the Customer’s perspective, identify and eliminate or reduce wastes within the value stream, thereby increasing process efficiency. Based on these findings, improvements can easily be implemented to achieve a “pull” in the process, reduce waiting time and inventory.
Method of conducting
The course is virtual, lasting 1 day;
The course is interactive – participants can ask questions at any time and discuss the material;
Students have the opportunity to work on assignments after each session and receive feedback from the trainer.

Bogdan Kostov
Senior consultant and instructor of Lean Institute Bulgaria
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Who is the course suitable for?
Anyone that would like to take the first step towards an in-depth analysis of the value streams in their processes;
Anyone who wants to take a deep dive in the methodology;
Anyone who wants to learn the specific steps and convention for creating value stream maps;
All who want to start off their own improvement projects;
Why enroll in the course?
You will tap into the knowledge of the Lean Global Network, including more than 30 countries and over 500 lean and 6 sigma implementations per year;
You will have the opportunity to learn from proven specialists with many years of experience;
You will learn in highly interactive environment and practice most of the tools during the course;
You will gain the necessary experience to be able to easily apply what you have learned in your own organization and achieve significant improvements.
Request participation
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