

Change management 









330 BGN

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After the training, you will be able to:

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You will recognize the most popular change management models that have led to success in hundreds of organizations worldwide;

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Not only will you be aware, but you will also be able to change the situations that do not bring you success and happiness;

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You will be able to build very strong, stable and healthy relationships with the most important people for you in the business world – clients, employees and colleagues, stepping on the NLP method;

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You will experience satisfaction and joy when change occurs instead of trying to go against it.

To deal with constant change, we need to get to the root causes and discover the opportunities in front of us. In this course you will learn how to do this.

Course description

Life during the Pandemic was a shock for every person to one degree or another. Every day brings with it an ocean of new information, challenges – physical, mental and economic. Lack of skills to navigate such difficult times creates enormous complications. In today’s conditions, change management is not just a condition for much better efficiency and success in business and personal contacts, but also an absolute necessity.

In the midst of every crisis lies a great opportunity.

– Albert Einstein

In order for the great crises and difficulties that we all face tangibly every day since 2020 to become our greatest opportunity to conquer new heights, we must know the change. Not just to know it, but to manage it and direct it in the direction we want.

In this course you will learn to use effective techniques to overcome difficulties in change. You will get acquainted with the most popular models for dealing with organizational transformations and learn what internal metamorphoses a person goes through when he has to step outside his comfort zone. It is awareness that precedes right action.

One of the most key concepts we will introduce you to in order to get into more specifics is Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. It is a system that has proven its high efficiency in achieving goals, based on the active practical solutions it offers. NLP has limitless possibilities and will help you to:


Eradicate your limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that are the biggest factor behind your every setback and failure;


Understand your most valuable assets – your customers, colleagues and employees and build a strong and successful long-term relationship with them;


Eradicate your limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that are the biggest factor behind your every setback and failure;

During the training, we will introduce the participants to NLP techniques for lasting transformations – personal and team. We will introduce and master the different communication systems through which everyone perceives the world and learn how to communicate so that the interlocutor understands us. We will talk about the essence of change, what blocks it and how to direct it most effectively in the direction we want.

There will be lots of role playing, active learning and insights for every single participant. Learning new skills with NLP is active and fun, but the results are very serious and successful. Life is a fun playground when NLP makes everyday challenges smaller and more manageable.

Method of conducting


The course can be both face-to-face and online, with a duration of 1 day;


Participants can ask questions at any time and discuss the material;


You listen actively and learn everything you need – information is an invaluable asset;


Vasil Petrov

Trainer and managing director of Lean Institute Bulgaria

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By request

Who is the course suitable for?


For all those who want to understand what is behind the change that is already an inevitable part of our daily life;


For managers who want to build effective and strong teams, creating results in conditions of constant organizational transformations;


For business owners who know that the only boundaries and limits to achievement are those we create for ourselves;


For employees who want to develop themselves, their ability to listen actively, communicate at new levels and succeed more when the situation seems more complex than ever;

Why enroll in the course?


We will offer you a different reading of the traditional understanding of change management;


We will be specific and maximally interactive in sharing our knowledge;


You will have the opportunity to learn from proven specialists with many years of experience and specific knowledge;


You will work interactively and have the opportunity to practice some of the tools within the course;

Request participation

Send request and we will contact you for confirmation

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