The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

– Mark Twain


консултантски услуги

Consulting services

We can assist you in the journey to excellent performance and Continuous Improvement by implementing Lean thinking and practices in your business model and production process.



We offer various business trainings and certifications in the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, leadership and soft-skills trainings, as well as trainings aimed at specific industries.

Автоматизиране на процесите


We can assist in streamlining your business processes, using a broad portfolio of technologies allowing the elimination of repetitive activities, thereby helping you optimize cost and increase quality.

What is Lean

Lean is about creating the most value for the customer while minimizing resources, time, energy and effort.
какво е lean
лийн консултиране

Who we are

Lean Institute Bulgaria is a consulting and training company, established in 2014 with the purpose of supporting the business in Bulgaria to successfully embark on a continuous improvement journey.

Lean Institute Bulgaria specializes in the optimization of processes, organizations and products in all areas of business and work. Consulting activity focuses on everything that creates value, the avoidance of any kind of waste (such as duplicated work, the superfluous holding of stock or unnecessary waiting times) and the introduction of a continuous improvement process. In addition, and as part of our standard activity, we develop the human factor with various needs-based training courses in Lean, 6 Sigma and other competenciesThe result is an efficient transfer of resources into concrete results, which are deemed valuable by our customers and purchasers and are rewarded accordingly.

Upcoming trainings


Lean Leadership

March 2025



Project manager

Project management

February 2025

Companies that trusted us

банка дск лого
юск лого
либхер лого

Our network – Lean Global Network™

Lean Global Network was established in 2007 by the scientists James Womack and Daniel Jones with the purpose to create Lean awareness consistently across the world. In 2016 Lean Institute Bulgaria joined the network and received access to various benefits for its customers such as online trainings, educational articles and videos, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with experts on global level.